ERP News Magazine issue 45 july 2024

ERP News Magazine July 2024 – Issue #45

“Discover how personalized ERP solutions are revolutionizing businesses in the July issue of ERPNews. Learn from industry leaders at ET Browne, SYSPRO Americas, Auditoria, and insightsoftware about the latest trends in customization and how tailored ERP platforms can drive efficiency, scalability, and success. Explore insightful interviews, case studies, and expert articles designed to help you leverage ERP solutions for your business’s unique needs.”

ERPNews Magazine issue 44

ERP News Magazine June 2024 – Issue #44

In this month’s edition of ERP News Magazine, our editorial focus is on a topic of paramount importance in the digital era: “Cybersecurity Challenges in ERP: Safeguarding Operations.”

ERP News Magazine May 2024 - Issue #43

ERP News Magazine May 2024 – Issue #43

In this month’s edition of ERP News Magazine, “Sustainability Integration in ERP: Greening the Supply Chain.” As businesses globally face the urgent call for environmental stewardship, the role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has transcended traditional boundaries, evolving into powerful enablers of sustainable practices.

ERP News Magazine February 2024 – Issue #42

In this month’s edition of ERPNews Magazine, “Blockchain Integration in ERP: Transforming Security and Transparency,” explores the transformative potential blockchain brings to ERP systems, enhancing the integrity, security, and transparency of digital transactions in an era that demands nothing less.

n this month's edition of ERPNews Magazine, we embark on a journey into the future of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), exploring the top trends that will shape the landscape in 2024.

ERP News Magazine December 2023 – Issue #41

In this month’s edition of ERPNews Magazine, we embark on a journey into the future of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), exploring the top trends that will shape the landscape in 2024.

ERP News Magazine November 2023 - Issue #40

ERP News Magazine November 2023 – Issue #40

In this issue of ERP News Magazine, we’ve had the privilege of engaging in enlightening conversations with industry leaders, each offering a unique perspective on some of the most pressing issues in today’s business landscape.


ERP News Magazine September 2023 – Issue #39

In this issue of ERP News Magazine, we explored the pros and cons of Low-Code / No-Code platforms and how you can extend your ERP in a Low-Code / No-Code environment.


ERP News Magazine July 2023 – Issue #38

In this issue of ERP News Magazine, we have asked the experts in the industry how AI & ML are transforming ERP systems and they shed light on the impacts of these tools on ERP.


ERP News Magazine June 2023 – Issue #37

In this issue of ERPNews Magazine, we will dig down into the reasons why you might want to change your ongoing system. It could be manual processes that slow you down, limited traceability that decreases your efficiency, and most probably overreliance on Excel. Also neglected customers, no remote or mobile access or rising costs might ring the bell.

ERP News Magazine March 2023 - Issue #36

ERP News Magazine March 2023 – Issue #36

In this issue of ERPNews Magazine, we have explored the digital transformation trends that help organizations keep track of the latest changes in technology and how to map out a digital transformation roadmap and its challenges.