Erpnews_Issue #25

ERP News Magazine March 2022 – Issue #25

Each person’s fingerprint is unique. And every business is as unique as a fingerprint as well. Even if the product that is produced or the service that is offered are the same, the processes might be completely different. The uniqueness of your processes can make you a leader in your industry but also vice versa… The most important step towards successful digitization is to take full control over your current processes with the right ERP system. This fact brings many alternatives along with it. Finding the right software in a market that grows and diversifies every year is perhaps one of the ways to prove your uniqueness!


ERP News Magazine February 2022 – Issue #24

Every business sets out to be successful. At the point we have reached today, it is necessary to evaluate more than one parameter to be successful. The software and software partner you choose are the two most important factors on the road to success. In order for a SME to be successful and grow its business, it needs to make the right choices. Considering the alternatives in today’s software market, what needs to be considered in the journey to success? That’s the question at the center of our 24th issue!

ERP News Magazine issue 23

ERP News Magazine January 2022 – Issue #23

While the pandemic is unlikely to fully end in 2022, we can hope to see some positive changes this year. Every business will pave a new path for itself with the lessons learned during the pandemic, but a common goal of all would be to get ready for the unexpected.

ERP News Magazine December 2021 – Issue #22

Each new year offers excitement and hope. What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year. The year 2022 marks a new era for innovation.

ERP News Magazine issue 21

ERP News Magazine November 2021 – Issue #21

In today’s business world, having access to information at all times and all places is vital for all industries. Mobile technologies have become an indispensable part of our lives and using a mobile ERP for businesses is becoming crucial for accessing, and sharing the business data in real-time through the mobile devices.

ERP News Magazine issue 20

ERP News Magazine October 2021 – Issue #20

We live in a time where everything keeps changing rapidly and it is entirely up to your organization to adopt or resist change. There are several ways to adapt to change, and even to take advantage of it, but you should be careful about one fact, that is Millenials!

ERP News Magazine issue 20

ERP News Magazine September 2021 – Issue #19

Although global uncertainty has fallen back to its average value, it is likely that many of the changes that were triggered by the pandemic are here to stay.  As businesses better understand the advantages of digital transformation and the opportunities that lie before them they will probably continue to invest in innovation and technological adoption even after the pandemic is over.

ERP News Magazine , we have dedicated this issue to Augmented Analytics.

ERP News Magazine June 2021 – Issue #18

Today, most of the data analysis processes are done manually, which takes up to 80% of the data analysts’ time. For this reason, augmented analytics appears to be a new approach and in this issue, you will learn how businesses can benefit from it.

ERP News Magazine May 2021 issue 17

ERP News Magazine May 2021 – Issue #17

In this issue, where you can find everything you wonder about 2-Tier ERP, you can also gain a new perspective on how you should be moving forward and this issue will shed a light on your path.


ERP News Magazine April 2021 – Issue #16

In this issue, organizations that have already moved to the cloud are likely experiencing minimal disruption to their daily operations in the new normal, but it is never too late!