

ERP News Magazine October 2020 – Issue #12Download Here (PDF)

ERP News Magazine is 1 year old!

When we first started this journey, we did not know that a worldwide pandemic would have shaken the whole world in less than a year.  At ERP News Magazine, our goal has always been to ensure that businesses and software vendors are aware of the latest advances in the ERP industry. But in this unprecedented crisis environment created by the pandemic, this goal has turned into the responsibility of providing the most up-to-date information that would enable our readers to survive these uncertain times.

Thanks to your participation, ERP News Magazine has been reshaped and turned into a living community. We can’t describe the pride and happiness that it brings to us! This is not just an anniversary we celebrate as a team, but the anniversary of a growing community every day! So happy anniversary!

In this issue, we have dug deeper into the ERP selection process. As we all know, ERP selection is always a very challenging and critical process for businesses. Especially, if it is the first time you are looking for an ERP system, then several obstacles are awaiting you during this thorny and complicated journey. We have compiled several suggestions and articles from industry experts to enlighten your selection process. And as in every issue, the latest news and events are ready for you to explore.

Thank you for being part of our community and hope to see you in our next issue!