Whenever you watch a crime series on Netflix or Television, crime-solving seems like a one-man job. They make it look so appealing and easy. All they do is find a piece of evidence, process it through gadgets, and Boom! The perpetrator is right there!
Contrary to this, criminal investigations or law enforcement activities are not that easy. Sometimes it can take weeks or even months to catch a single shred of evidence. However, this doesn’t mean that the real world is not advancing in modern times.
Thanks to the new innovative strategies and developments, the real world is slowly catching up on closing cases quickly. In this article, we will be talking about the top three breakthroughs that are helping the criminal justice system nowadays.
So, let’s get going!

Mapping Technologies
A lot of parameters involving modern-day technologies like remote sensing, or data extraction apps, and GPS data are allowing law enforcement agencies in many ways. For instance, they are able to conduct crime analysis, policing, and other tasks in a much more efficient way.
For instance, police leaders, forensic examiners, criminal investigators, and district attorneys are using the evidence obtained from these innovative technologies to accelerate investigations. For instance, mobile device forensics tools are enabling law enforcement and investigative agencies to extract data in less than 24 hours to exonerate or prosecute suspects.
Electronic Surveillance
The technologies allow criminal investigators and employees in the justice system to monitor the criminals with minor criminal offences right from their homes. For this, electronic monitoring systems are acting as handy tools for law enforcement officers. For instance, law enforcement agencies can use these systems to monitor the people at home where the criminals need to serve for minor offenses.
These systems are benefiting society more since it’s helping criminals with minor offenses to stay out of jail and learn his/her lesson without wasting much public money.
Crime Prevention Technologies
Law enforcement isn’t only about solving crimes. Instead, it has a huge role to play in keeping crimes from happening as well. And technology plays quite a pivotal role here as well. For instance, tools like AI or big data are helping agencies to make connections and stop crimes. In addition to that, facial recognition technology is yet another breakthrough in helping agencies with their fight against crime.
Further, various web reporting tools are helping people submit anonymous tips to their local police or federal departments. So, one can be a proactive part of the criminal justice system.
Wrapping up
With the advancement of technologies, the level of criminal threats is also increasing simultaneously. This is why the need for the latest technological support is a must-have to close active criminal cases quickly. To begin with, you can use any of the options mentioned above and see the results by yourself.
Remember, if criminals are using technology to increase their criminal activities, you can use the same technology to increase response time or prevent it from happening.
All in all, law enforcement agencies are evolving. And if you aren’t part of this change, start acknowledging these trends and use them to streamline your work and prosecute criminals quickly.