
Italy has a favorable climate for tech startups, making it a hot destination for global entrepreneurs. The country encourages innovative businesses with tax and fiscal benefits. Not to mention, it is ideal for people looking to extend their outreach to foreign markets. Before trying your luck with an IT startup here, you must understand the immigration options.  An investor visa makes a great one for up-and-coming entrepreneurs as it offers an easy route. If you want to know more about it, the entire process is well-explained on website. Let us explain how an investor visa can help you start an IT venture in Italy.

Minimal eligibility requirements

Unlike other immigration routes, the requirements to access an investor visa are minimal. You need not have ancestral roots in the country or marry a citizen to get in. Likewise, you do not have to show an extended presence in Italy. You can start from scratch if you are more than 18 years of age and have a clean police record. The only requirement is money, as you have to make a hefty investment in the country to qualify. You may put your money into an existing startup, a local business, a philanthropic project, or government bonds. The investment value differs for each alternative, and you can pick the one that fits your budget.

Kick start your startup to reach your goals

An investor visa gives you the kickstart you need to reach your entrepreneurial goals. The process is simple and fast, and you do not have to worry about a long road ahead. It begins with an application for a certificate of no objection (nulla osta). You can apply online get it within 30 days. Once you have it, you can apply for an investor visa thereafter. Your local consulate officials check your documents and grant the visa right away if they are satisfied with the paperwork. The process completes within a few months, and you can land in Italy to go ahead with your dreams sooner than you expect.

Sustain for the long haul

When you start a business overseas, you expect to sustain it for the long run. The Italian investor visa opens long-term opportunities by paving the way for citizenship by naturalization down the line. You can convert to a temporary residence status right after landing with the investor visa. The two-year residence permit can be extended by another three years. A five-year stay entitles you to a permanent residence permit, and you can qualify for naturalization after completing ten years in the country. While you have a residence permit, you get the same benefits as the other residents. It lets you live and work freely, while things get even better when you become a citizen eventually.

Establishing a new business is a lot of work, and the last thing you want to struggle with is immigration formalities. The investor visa is a real savior in this context. You can get a step ahead by collaborating with a professional to guide you with the process.