Technology fuels business growth and it is impossible to imagine even everyday operations without proper IT infrastructure in place. However, just setting up a system with infrastructure, network, and applications is not enough. Even when you have everything in place, there are some issues that your team may come across on a daily basis. While some of these may be due to human error, others could be the result of unavoidable factors. Whatever the reasons may be, IT issues often result in loss of productivity, wastage of time, and employee dissatisfaction. In the long run, these factors add up to cost your organization money as well. It surely makes sense to be aware of the common IT issues that you may come across so that you can deal with them before they become major challenges. Let us list them for you.

Poor network security
Network security is a vital aspect of organizational security, regardless of the size of your company and the scale of its operations. Hackers may target your network if it has some vulnerability and compromises your business and customer data at any time. This can be dangerous because it leads to reputational damage and financial losses. So cybersecurity is one issue that you need to be extra vigilant about. Having a robust security policy in place is important. Ensure that the employees adhere to these policies and are well-aware of the importance of cybersecurity. Also, pay attention to aspects such as data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity.
Backup issues
Although you may consider data backups to be a part of security policies, loss of data is one of the common IT issues that you can face often. Just imagine losing some of your key files and docs because of overloaded routers. Things can be resolved easily if you have a solid backup plan but this is something small businesses often tend to miss out. No matter what your company size is, a data backup plan should be a part of your IT plan. Although you may have to spend some time and money in implementing one, it is a worthwhile investment. No having it puts you at risk as you may end up losing a lot if a data breach occurs and there’s no way you can recover the lost files.
Lack of professional expertise
If you think that you can manage without experts in your team, there isn’t a bigger IT issue that you could face. Not having the right kind of people may throw your operations off track if a major challenge suddenly comes up. The issue is easy to deal with by collaborating with a managed provider who offers IT solutions that fit every situation and address any challenge you may face. A knowledgeable and experienced provider covers you on every front, from efficiently monitoring email and web hosting, to managing data storage and server issues, handling network maintenance, and much more. Meanwhile, your team is free to work on new projects and initiatives.
Outdated systems and technology
Your business couldn’t face anything worse than slow-working, outdated systems, and technology that end up making people unproductive. The resolution is as simple as implementing new technology but this is easier said than done. There would be a need for a complete assessment of the existing setup to decide the elements that need an upgrade. Further, you will also have to identify the latest IT solutions and tools in the market and pick the ones that match your needs and budget. Finally, you need to partner to implement these for your business.
Absence of a mobile device action plan
While Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) serves flexibility and remote accessibility for the employees, it opens up the risk of data theft. There are significant security challenges as employees use their personal mobile devices to access confidential business data. Not having a clear mobile device plan can be another major IT problem. Create a stringent BYOD policy for your business and ensure that all the users adhere to it. Enforce password-protection for personal devices, installation of security apps, and encryption of their data. Since mobile devices are portable, set up strict reporting procedures for stolen or lost devices to make sure that data does not fall in the wrong hands.
Although these IT issues seem like common and regular ones they can have far-reaching implications. Not dealing with them at the earliest can translate into major losses. Taking a proactive approach and staying one step ahead can save you from all the trouble.