Sporting venues were amongst the earliest adopters of digital signage precisely because of the engagement benefits it offered. The modern stadium is less about passive viewing and more about active engagement.
Static billboards are a thing of the past. Signage is no longer a passive medium that spectators consume visually; rather, it’s become an interactive medium that invites and fosters participation.
With thousands of fans gathered in one location for hours, there’s no doubt that the atmosphere in a stadium can be electrifying. For this reason, stadiums provide premium opportunities for attracting corporate sponsorships and advertisements. But this can only work if you have the advantage of numbers.
Using digital signage to your advantage can create an experience that will draw fans away from their local pubs and home theaters to your arenas. Let’s look at how digital signage boosts stadium sales.

1. Create Unique Personal Experiences
You’ll need more than a high-quality game to attract fans to your stadium. It’s the overall experience, from the onsite entertainment to good food and an exciting atmosphere, which will have fans buying tickets. The modern generation of fans wants the luxury of different entertainment options before, during, and after the game.
Today, people can keep up with matches from mobile devices and through live televisions. To attract fans, stadiums have to double up as entertainment venues as well as sporting arenas. Digital signage offers the ideal fan experience to your audience. Customizing fan experiences is key to customer satisfaction and engagement. It gets people talking and increases social media buzz, which brings people to your doors.
2. A Great Stadium Experience Bolsters Fan Loyalty
It’s crucial to go beyond the basics of providing a clear view to deliver an experience that will keep fans coming back for more. Digital signage can provide an added experiential element allowing crowds to see the action clearly no matter their seat placements. Moreover, you can entertain fans in a myriad of ways, like showing rewinds of the best moments of a game.
Perhaps, one of the best ways to engage the modern fan is through social media. Smartphones are bonafide staples now and can provide additional ways to increase fan engagement. With digital signage, you can display live tweets, selfies, and viral videos to enhance the onsite fan experience. What’s more, keeping up with social media comments can help you understand what information fans are searching for during games and any complaints they may have in real-time.
3. Alleviate Fan Pain Points
Nothing hurts more than missing a goal because you have to grab a snack or stop by the washrooms. With digital signage, fans don’t have to miss a minute of the action. Displays in concession stands, bathrooms, and other crucial areas can provide fans with up-to-the-minute information. Digital signage provides a way to serve your audience better.
On top of that, digital signs are the most convenient way to send alerts and convey important messages. The ultimate advantage of digital displays is that they can be customized in real-time. Perhaps, you need a car owner to move their vehicle – you can send such alerts without disrupting the overall fan experience by displaying them on the electronic screens.
Another way to alleviate fan pain points is to provide directions. You can point fans to the nearest bathroom or exit point, ensuring they get back to their seats as fast as possible. Digital displays are also great for providing information on upcoming promotions or available ticket upgrade options.
4. Up the ante for VIPS
VIP seating and skyboxes generate much higher revenues per ticket sale. By incorporating digital signage in your VIP lounges, you can provide high-value viewers with an experience they’re unlikely to find anywhere else. Coupling digital signage with VR technologies can provide your VIPs with a unique view of every play.
Enhancing the experience of your VIP and giving fans more value for their money will have you selling out of VIP tickets. The key is to tap into evolving technology and target patrons based on every stadium zone. Your VIPs will be exposed to different ads, branded content, vendor offerings, and entertainment options.
Enhancing the Fan Experience Through Digital Signage
Today’s arenas face increasing competition from enhanced home-viewing options. The competition is about to get tougher with the growth of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. A good game and clear views are no longer enough; you have to create unmatched experiences. Digital signage can help you create an atmosphere that capitalizes on an excitable crowd to ensure fans are more engaged, satisfied, and emotionally connected to the game.