Tons of inventory, machines, and processes: this is what makes machinery and equipment manufacturing a challenge. Workflow management of multi-level assemblies can become a tangle of inter-dependencies for machinery manufacturers, but with an ERP inventory tracking, shop floor scheduling, and other MRP functions can easily be managed and adjusted for greater throughput. Machinery and equipment manufacturers can also gain an understanding of the actual costs of each build while becoming reliable industrial machinery manufacturers for their customers by using key features and functionalities available in an ERP.

Enhancing collaboration across the manufacturing process
The need for collaboration in manufacturing processes is key for machinery and equipment manufacturersComplex BOMs, fabricating parts and sub-assemblies and making a final assembly using hundreds of parts with multiple operations and thousands of tasks all add up to a complex manufacturing process. Without collaboration between departments, and an ERP system that can facilitate collaboration, machinery, and equipment manufacturers can get lost in the weeds. Often a disconnect typically exists among design, engineering, operations, and suppliers within a machinery shop. Not coordinating complex builds and having a lack of visibility throughout an organization can affect delivery dates and final product quality. But, one of the key advantages.
ERP software brings machinery manufacturers the ability to integrate multiple sets of data from different applications and departments across a product’s life cycle. ERPs connect an entire shop, allowing for better communication and collaboration, meaning manufacturers can better facilitate the high level of communication and teamwork that is required within their manufacturing processes.
ERPs reduce the potential for quality problems or redundant work because a shop is working off of the same reliable information that anyone working from anywhere can access and use at any time. Manufacturers can enter data once, share it throughout their operation, and keep all documents and tracking information in one place for everyone to access. With integrations with accounting and engineering software, machinery manufacturers can avoid re-keying data, and can easily transfer information, like complex BOMs, from CAD software to their ERP, ensuring accuracy.
Many machinery and equipment manufacturers manufacture both a standard catalog of parts and equipment as well as create custom equipment for their clients. These manufacturers need an ERP system that is built from the understanding that custom manufacturing requires greater coordination between product development, estimation, production planning, and sales. An ERP built exclusively for custom manufacturers gives them an all-in-one place to store and manage the complete range of information it needs for a custom job. Manufacturers can view details of open orders, prices, and preferred vendors, and can see the impact of their choices on production, finance, and procurement.
An ERP eliminates the need for individual spreadsheets and creates a deeper level of connection between departments. The engineering department, crucial to the custom manufacturing process can easily interact, communicate, and share information with other key departments, such as purchasing and production with an ERP. Everyone can get the information they need to do their jobs effectively. For example, knowing what long-lead items are needed so that they can be ordered early on during the design phase, will ensure the items arrive on time.
Tackling the challenges faced by machinery and equipment manufacturers
Genius ERP is ERP software designed for the specific needs of custom manufacturers working in the machinery and equipment sector. With over 60% of our customers in this sector, we specialize in providing manufacturing software systems that solve the business challenges of machinery and equipment manufacturers. Designed with only manufacturers in mind, Genius ERP is a good fit for industrial machinery and industrial equipment manufacturers working in all modes of production, as well as those who handle servicing and spare parts.
Wasted engineering time
A lot of engineering time can be eaten up by transferring the Bill of Materials, or BOM, out of a CAD system into an ERP. A BOM is the comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies, and other materials required to create a product, as well as instructions required for gathering and using the required materials. An accurate BOM is one of the most critical elements of a custom manufacturing job, and transferring all of this important information out of a design system and into an ERP is crucial.
With a fully integrated system like Genius ERP, the engineering department can seamlessly export a BOM from a CAD system into an ERP, creating a fully itemized list of the materials, making it simple to compare the materials needed for the project against what is already on hand, as well as prepare for production. Not only will manufacturers save time and remove errors that come from manual data transcription and entry, but they will also be able to get more jobs done on time and on budget. The engineering department can spend more time working on design and engineering tasks, allowing machinery and equipment manufacturers to do more with their current level of resources. Selecting an ERP with this functionality is key for machinery and equipment manufacturers.
Inventory issues
Parts get allocated twice or aren’t on the shelf when needed. However, with a connected system like Genius ERP, this struggle does not have to be eternal. Real-time inventory control, lets manufacturers avoid material and long-lead item shortages while optimizing the supply chain for a rolling stock of goods available when required. Effectively managing inventory and keeping stock levels at the right level reduces operational costs and allows manufacturers to better invest their resources into things like growing their business.
Accounting headaches and redundant entries
A jerry-rigged system tends to develop around ERP software that requires a lot of oversight and checking, eliminating the potential for greater efficiency. With Genius ERP, everything is centralized, tied to a job number, and historically trackable. Accountants can move beyond the need for tedious and manual checks and balances and have more time to focus on critical tasks.
Genius ERP also helps manufacturers create better quotes, and better understand job costs. Instead of quotes and estimates being educated guesses, with the data available from an ERP you can create a more accurate quote. Although each custom product is unique, ERP contains a stockpile of historical data from past jobs and products that manufacturers can access and analyze to help machinery and equipment manufacturers create better quotes.
Project Management
Genius ERP allows custom manufacturers to effectively manage all milestones that need to be completed to get a job out of the door on time. Milestone management provides a high-level representation of all the activities that need to be completed in order to deliver a custom job. At every step, a manufacturer will know what task needs to be done and when, the progression of that task, and the exact stage it is at—all in real-time. Having an ERP means that a manufacturer will always have complete visibility over their entire shop, allowing machinery and equipment manufacturers to better manage and oversee all of their jobs.
About Genius ERP
Genius Solutions delivers a complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, including software, implementation services, and field expertise for small to mid-sized custom manufacturers across the US and Canada. Genius ERP is built for SME manufacturers handling make-to-order, engineer-to-order, custom-to-order, and assemble-to-order manufacturing. Gain complete oversight of your shop, including accurate estimating, product engineering, inventory control, production planning, and accounts management. Simplify complex manufacturing with Genius ERP.