Digital transformation. Today, well beyond the confines of just another buzzword, digital transformation has fast become an omniscient power that has taken businesses and industries by storm. It is the process of implementing digital technologies to create new, or enhance already-existing business and customer-facing operations that we use to meet our unbridled need – for speed, flexibility, and shifting market demands.

According to market analyst, IDC, worldwide spending on digital transformation is expected to reach nearly $2 trillion by 2022, and that during 2020, an estimated 30% of G2000 companies will have allocated budgets equal to at least 10% of revenue to fuel their digital transformation strategies. Today, digital transformation helps promote an abundance of online business and consumer transactions, and leverages our ability to work, manage, and communicate, all in real-time. Backed by the likes of IoT, AI, machine learning, and more importantly, cloud, these are just some of the technologies that drive all things digital. In a word, without a strong and reliable cloud platform, these technologies will simply, not work efficiently.
Why Cloud ERP Takes Center Stage
It is cloud computing technology, the on-demand availability of computer system resources, specifically data collection and data management, that some say, are the foundation of cloud-based ERP. Digital transformation is all about making a business accessible to company management, employees, customers, and prospects, anytime, and from any location. Flexible, scalable, automated, and insight-driven, it’s cloud ERP that enables real-time data access from anywhere, in a secure, risk-free environment.
Cloud ERP empowers digital transformation by merging business data into a single, unified system, to support remote tasks, operational management, and control. Further, cloud ERP delivers measurable time and resource savings by reducing IT and investment costs, increases operational performance, boosts employee productivity, and personalizes both the user and the customer experience.
Opening the Digital Floodgate
Cloud ERP is fast becoming the defining force that conquers digital disruption, the changes that occur when new digital technologies are implemented in a business, effecting existing goods and services. This is best illustrated in the wholesale and logistics industry, where companies, from SMBs to large enterprises, opt for cloud ERP software to manage, improve and maintain their day-to-day activities.
Monitoring carrier performance, maintaining visibility into supply chains, and providing accurate and up-to-date information about shipments and supply chain performance, is a real challenge for distributors, freight forwarders and logistic service providers. Having a handle on what’s in every warehouse, truck, and shipment at any given time, as well as being on top of what’s in the pipeline, is crucial.
By integrating cloud ERP, wholesale, logistics, and distribution companies can integrate digital transformation workflows and procedures into their daily operations, such as purchase planning and requisitions, delivery scheduling and shipments, contracts, finances, billing, procurement, and administration. Cloud ERP also enables fully integrated supply chain management to optimize logistics networks, manage transportation and warehousing operations, and provide other value-added services to customers.
Tomorrow is Another Day
Cloud ERP has been an ardent supporter of the digital ecosystem for many years, and more recently, has enabled integration with innovative technologies, almost as quickly as they are developed and go to market. This is what gives cloud ERP a strong foothold in today’s digital transformation, all of which depend heavily on cloud and mobile technologies.
When it comes to the future of digital transformation, it is evident that cloud ERP will lead the pack, paving the way for new technologies to consistently change our world. As long as cloud ERP continues to deliver real-time business insights, remote data access, faster implementation, the ability to focus on core competencies, cost and resource savings, strong data security, and the list goes on and on…, rest assured that cloud ERP will too, evolve, and be around to welcome the next millennium.