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industrial IoT

Optimizing Maintenance With the Industrial IoT

You’re often directed to focus on the most valuable, strategic parts of your job. But that’s easier said than done […]

smart cities

How Are Smart Cities Leading Change?

“Smart Cities” are a hot topic these days. India has undertaken an initiative to create 100 smart cities across the […]

industrial iot

IFS Study: Double-Digit Increases in Industrial IoT Sophistication This Year

IFS, the global enterprise applications company, has released a research study of 200 North American executives that reveals substantial year-over-year […]

industrial iot

The Role of Digitalization and Integration Across Industrial IoT

The industrial IoT or IIoT has introduced applications with the aim of integration of machines, data generation, computing, data analytics, […]

IoT At The Edge: How High-Performance Processing And Internet Productivity Are Changing Businesses Worldwide

IoT  is now all around us. From consumer products to industrial, agricultural, medical and commercial, it’s changing the way things […]

Taking IoT On The Voyage Of Discovery: Unlocking The Real Value In Field Service

We are seeing the growing demand to integrate connected devices for field service operations. In a recent study by IFS, 30 […]

Smart IoT? Sensors Can Fail Too

We’ve all heard the promises of efficiency improvements and digital transformation made possible by adopting IoT technologies. This assumes, of […]

IOT, ERP Combine For Improved Food Traceability

By 2020, more than 20 billion connected things will be in use worldwide across consumer and business segments. This is […]

Will Manufacturers Ride The Servitatization Wave To Greater Profitability?

The servitization megatrend is upon us. Product-driven companies are adding services revenue streams and business models, usually to augment but sometimes to […]

IoT In Action And Why You Should Start

How analysis of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) yields unexpected information. We recently installed solar panels on our […]