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business intelligence

Got Dealer (BI) Business Intelligence?

Far too many retail dealership organizations and like-kind service businesses sit on loads of great customer DMS data and do […]

what is business intelligence

What is the Meaning of Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence (BI) may be at the forefront of modern data technology, but it’s not a new discipline. It got […]

Tikkurila ‘s Business Review for January-March 2017

Tikkurila Oyj Stock Exchange Release April 28, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. (CET+1) Tikkurila’s Business Review for January-March 2017 Tikkurila’s revenue […]

NetSuite launches spate of ERP products and features

Much of the talk at NetSuite’s annual conference SuiteWorld has been of new parent company Oracle’s plans for the firm’s global […]