An effective team is the key to success today. Gözde Erinç- Unit Manager, IAS explains the importance of the Human Resources Management (HCM) module in ERP systems and the latest developments.

IAS HCM Module Unit Manager Gözde Erdinç points out that companies with the right Human Resources Management (HCM) module can set up more robust teams and sign successful projects. Mrs. Erdinç also adds, “Flexible and practical Human Resources Management (HCM) with extensive reporting options, integrated with the whole ERP system provides a great advantage to companies.”
It is very important that companies have a successful human resources department in order to build an effective team and carry out successful projects for the future. This department, which undertakes responsibilities such as personnel budget creation, performance measurement, recruitment process management, staff planning as well as employee training and welfare, should use an integrated ERP software to manage business processes in the most efficient way. We talked about the importance of the Human Resources Management (HCM) module in ERP systems and the recent developments in caniasERP with IAS Unit Manager Gözde Erdinç, who said that a flexible and practical Human Resources Management module with wide reporting options would provide great advantages to companies.
What are the requirements for a Human Resources Management (HCM) module? What should companies pay attention to while choosing?
The Human Resources Management (HCM) module has a major need and wide reporting options come first. There should be a reporting system with custom, recordable search criteria, with flexible, personalized screens. The second important feature is that the legislation can be implemented without the need for a new version. Third, the HCM module should offer the option to its users in the human resources (HR) department to authorize and protect personal data. Companies should also pay attention to the fact that they prefer an integrated structure when switching to the ERP system. Thus, the HCM module can be integrated with other systems and does not require external system integrations. Information flow between modules is extremely fast and reliable such as finance integrations. In addition, the HCM module must be able to meet the planning requirements of departments such as staff budgeting, performance measurement, recruitment processes management and staff planning. In addition, working with an ERP company that can provide regular training to its users and provide consultancy and support whenever they need, provides an advantage to businesses, so they can get maximum efficiency from the system they use.
Correct HCM Move Companies One Step Forward
What advantages and solutions does IAS offer with the caniasERP Human Resources Management (HCM) module?
In our opinion, the Human Resources Management (HCM) module should provide convenience and speed to users working in the HR department as well as providing advantages to companies. We collect our applications in several groups: Corporate Planning, Selection and Placement, Self Service Applications, Performance Management, Training Management, Legal Reports, Budget and Simulation, Special Reports, Staff, Personal and Payroll. With the help of the caniasERP HCM module, the company can define all the data of its personnel on the register cards. This data provides information flow to payrolls, permits, legal reports, human resources management practices such as training and performance. In caniasERP, HCM module users can add the desired table space to their own screens. They can also create a listing criterion for any field of this record when they create a registration. The user selects the area of the table and uses it as search criteria. This gives a great advantage to the person using this module in the HR department. It is also important to be able to report to the HR department; this report is normally required from the IT or support department when it is needed. However, the HCM module of the caniasERP has a separate reporting wizard. The intermediate user can prepare his/her own report by simply selecting the criteria he/she needs. In addition, caniasERP makes patches in all versions that support regulatory requirements and adds patches to the portal. Users can buy these patches from the portal and do not pay any extra fee. They don’t have to upgrade the version they use. In addition, caniasERP offers its users various options for the authorization and personal data protection law (KVKK); all KVKK processes can be managed through the system. Users may experience flexible options when authorizing on caniasERP. For example, in self-service applications in HCM, separate authorizations can be defined for employees and HR. Existing data is executed in accordance with the requirements of the CCPC during the display process. Thanks to the integrated structure of the caniasERP, the HCM module can stream data from all other modules. The user can set the registration key on the basis of the person via the caniasERP, calculate the payrolls and register them by pressing a single key. In addition, for each person, whatever their registration key is, it can customize which accounts it needs to go to, and distribute it by cost center. For these, integration methods with different modules are used. The HCM module can also send data to multiple accounting standards. This is an important advantage, especially for global companies. All transactions are performed in a practical way thanks to the option to copy payouts and payrolls from payroll to payroll in the HCM module. Staff can be created in the demo demo staff in HCM module through Budget Management. For example, at the end of the year, 10 new employees are planned to be employed two years later. 10 new registrations can be opened in a single transaction and included in the budget cost. In addition, additional payments of staff can be created with the HCM module. If personnel is formulated well, the additional payment of personnel is not required to be individually added to payrolls. Legal reports may be issued in accordance with the legislation. Calculated payrolls can be transferred to the relevant declaration for the relevant period. This is a very brief summary of the features and advantages of the HCM module. The employees of the companies that decide to manage their business processes with caniasERP learn to use the module in the most efficient way by participating in regular training on the HCM module at IAS Business Academy, which provides training within the IAS. We also offer consultancy services to our customers.
Maximum Efficiency with caniasERP
What are the latest developments on the HCM module?
One of the biggest innovations we have made with the latest version is 360 degree performance evaluation. With new improvements, our evaluation screens have become much more useful; ast, top, equivalent, outsourcing and self-evaluation. The external evaluator can also be selected from the address book. There are many detailed studies like this in development. In this way, business objectives are realized in a more disciplined way. In addition to this, we have opened and closed target entry at different times for manager and employee. Thanks to this development, people who perform performance management in the enterprise have the freedom to define their criteria very flexibly. This is a great advantage, especially for the enterprise; evaluation processes are carried out healthier. In addition, we have created a new application within the HCM module and we have introduced two new operations to the user under the title of administrative affairs: embezzlement tracking and service usage list creation. In addition to these innovations, we introduced a web service feature to CV Bank. The CV Bank is a screen in which you can keep very detailed information with 10 separate tabs. With this web service, companies will now be able to automatically retrieve information from their website and list them on their system. In addition, we have made improvements to executive disruptions. Variable conditions due to execution can be managed in a parametric manner via the HCM module. Another important change we have made this year is the training agenda. The Training Definition application currently in the HCM module has been revised; Now training plans can be created and training schedules can be created. The user can create records by selecting the appropriate ones from the displayed training dates. Besides, the user can select the external participant when creating the training record. Lastly, we also brought a report from the training agenda. People looking at educational affairs in the enterprises can get information from all the trainings in the agenda and list the features such as number of participants and status.