PDI (www.pdisoftware.com), a global provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP), fuel pricing, supply chain logistics, and loyalty solutions for the convenience retail and petroleum wholesale industries, announced it is adding a new employee self-service mobile app to its PDI Enterprise Workforce software.

PDI Employee Self-Service provides c-store employees with real-time access to accurate shift coverage, schedule transparency, and pay stub information. Not only will home office human resource teams save time avoiding manual requests and errors, but employees will also gain real-time information about what matters most to them — payment and scheduling.
“C-store operators will benefit from timely and accurate employee information, and workers now have control and visibility into their daily tasks and pay,” said Drew Mize, executive vice president and general manager of ERP Solutions at PDI. “We worked closely with our customers to develop a feature-rich app to provide much-needed transparency, especially during times like these when mobile-friendly tools make our lives easier.”
C-store employees can now interact with important information through a mobile app, message with managers and colleagues, or manage shifts and coordinate with other employees to provide coverage. The module has real-time management data and an updated site schedule.
With the coronavirus heavily impacting employee scheduling, this app can also help support flexible schedules for essential c-store workers, addressing the need for real-time shift coverage, while eliminating the vulnerability that manual errors or possible email spam filters can create.