4 Reasons to Move Your ERP to the Cloud

Your enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution is key to the operation of your business—that goes without saying. But when it’s time to implement a new or upgraded ERP, you may have some second thoughts about the best implementation method: on-premises or in the cloud. What Will Be Best for Your Company? Of course, traditionally, ERP solutions were implemented on-premises. Before the advent of cloud computing, implementing an ERP system on your premises was your only choice. Your company bought the hardware, the software, and the real estate necessary to house them. You also provided your own information technology (IT) department and your own security. Since the cloud came into being, you now have choices.When determining which implementation method will best suit your organization, there is a series of questions you’ll want to have answered: 1. What Is the Cloud? The cloud, or cloud computing, is an offsite service provided by a specialized, expert business. Using the power of the internet, cloud providers can offer services that are available anywhere there’s an internet connection and at any time, essentially 24/7. Cloud providers must be resilient to infrastructure and software failures. They provide their services on a subscription or rental basis to end-users. … Continue reading 4 Reasons to Move Your ERP to the Cloud