Healthcare ERP

Enter the decade of Hospital 4.0.  It would make sense that the back-office operations of healthcare across America also receive a 4.0 upgrade.  Hospital 4.0 was to be realized in 2020 by most predictions and involves IoT, AI, robotics, data and analytics, 3D printing, virtual reality and ease of access.  For the last few years, the pace of innovation around healthcare from a technology perspective has been fast and furious.  You may think, finally, healthcare is going to change and improve.  While the expenditure of all this energy into healthcare is for sure positive, many organizations are left overwhelmed and without an overarching strategy to take advantage of it. The ERP landscape is a place of change as well.  Most systems have matured to platforms that are primarily cloud-based to take advantage of the scalability and lower cost.  That alone isn’t very exciting, but it is when coupled with enhancements like global dynamic ledgers and robust modules such as grant management, lease applications and analytics geared to a role.  Add in the layer that’s being integrated such as robotic process automation (RPA), voice integration with Alexa or Google, chatbots and assistants and now you have something that can change the … Continue reading Healthcare ERP