Automating COVID-19 Contact Tracing with Help from SAP

 SAP SE announced that to automate and speed up contact tracing after a COVID-19 case is confirmed, a local health department in southern Germany is using a cloud-based Web application developed by SAP, which went live on April 10, 2020. Each week, physicians in Germany test around 400,000 people for COVID-19, according to the Robert Koch Institute. If a test is positive, the physician has to inform the patient and the local health department. Pursuant to the provisions of the German Protection Against Infection Act, the local health department is then required to record the details of every person who has had close, face-to-face contact with the patient in the past two weeks. “Tracing the people who have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient is a huge task; having an IT solution will make it much simpler,” says Roland Bernhard, chief administrative officer for the district of Böblingen in southern Germany, of the successful collaboration between the district’s local health department and SAP. “The processes have been streamlined for the municipal and district administration offices, which ultimately helps prevent the virus from spreading.” The people identified as having been in close proximity to a COVID-19 patient now receive an … Continue reading Automating COVID-19 Contact Tracing with Help from SAP